Caffetteria dei Musei Capitolini

The Capitoline Museums cover a 12,977sqm exhibition area and are the main municipal museum in Rome.

Open to the public in 1734, under Pope Clement XII, they are considered to be the first museum in the world built in order to allow everybody, not just its owners, to share culture and history. The building hosting the Capitoline Museums is composed of Palazzo dei Conservatori and Palazzo Nuovo, and dates back to 1471. It is in that year that Pope Sixtus IV donated a collection of important bronze statues (including the Capitoline She-wolf) to the city. These statues were placed in the yard of Palazzo dei Conservatori and in the Capitoline Square. The collection grew over time thanks to the precious donations of several popes, including Pope Paul III and Pius V, who wanted to expel pagan statues from the Vatican.

The Museum was open to the public at the behest of Pope Clement XII. A century later, Benedict XIV inaugurated the Capitoline Pinacotheca, taking over the private collection of the Sacchetti family and the Pio Family.

Today, the Capitoline Museums are part of the System of Municipal Museums. Inside the Capitoline Museums, the Terrazza Caffarelli hosts the Cafeteria of the Capitoline Museums which is open every day from 9.30 to 7 p.m. In case of private events on the magnificent Terrace, the reserved space is marked off with green plants.

Info about the Cafeteria of the Capitoline Museums
Phone: +39 (0)6 69190564

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